Welcome To DarazPakistan.Com.Pk !
DarazPakistan.Com.Pk has a 14 days return policy. We will happily accept the items that are unused and in their original condition and have all the original tags and packaging available along with the sale receipt.
Once the items reach us, the case will be investigated and an exchange or a refund will be offered accordingly. Refund will be in the form of a promo code which can be redeemed on the next purchase.
Delivery charges will not be refunded. In case, wrong product/ size/ colour is delivered then the delivery charges will be refunded.
Return parcels should be sent to us through any of the courier companies at the following address: DarazPakistan.Com.Pk, Ecommerce Department, Bahawalpur Trade Center Near Melad Chowk, Gulzar-e-Sadiq Road, Bahawalpur.
If the reverse pick up request for the returning parcel is initiated by DarazPakistan.Com.Pk then it may take up to 20 working days for the completion of the process.
Electronics, cosmetics, perfumes, toys and undergarments cannot be returned or exchanged.